Finally a road and a pad

Well after 5 attempts to meet up at the land finally on Thursday I got to meet the rep from Entergy electric and have the road and pad cut in. It was like Christmas to me.

First the electric guy Troy walked the front, and one side of the land and gave me two options for putting in our electricity. Both are going to take a new pole across the street being put in and guywire. Both will require that no trees or personal property be under the wire 13 feet either side, that’s 26 feet dedicated to the electric company!. After looking at both taking the electric up the left side of the road or up the property line we decided to have it taken up our road since the only neighbor we have has already placed wood and a shed 4 feet off the property line. We want to be neighborly and don’t want to inconvenience them.
Once that was determined the cost will have to be calculated, he seemed to think that they would pay for the pole coming across and down our road about 200 feet at that point the transformer will be dropped and we will be responsible for the meter pole being placed near the transformer pole and from there we can either bury or pole the electricity the last 150 feet to the building site. And that’s another day.

Around 10 am the bulldozer guy showed up I pointed out the flagging on the trees to mark the road and off he went ripping and a tearing. I sat in the truck for the first few minutes so he could get moved in a ways into the property. I walked up the property line to the back behind a huge pile of downed trees knowing he would have to move them all to get to me and walked up the incline to where the house will finally be set.
What a gorgeous day about 76 sun a shining a breeze life is good!
I sat down on my favorite stump seat and watched him for about an hour slowly work his approach to where I was. It was really neat watching that overgrown land open up to some sunshine and see the ground appear.
Mark says that with the grass that is there it should green up pretty quickly and it will make it so much easier for us to move around the property having our own driveway to walk.
Tomorrow the excavator guy comes out at 9am and he will remove all of the stumps in the road and cut down all of the dead trees and clear some of the underbrush. Can’t wait!



One response to this post.

  1. Posted by Mary Brackett on April 14, 2013 at 10:06 am

    Y’all bought undeveloped property…will you have to put a well for water also Donna??


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